Imo Joseph
4 min readSep 8, 2017


By: Imo Okon (Rhodinett)

1.0 Introduction

Anyone under an internship could be called intern, internship is an opportunity of gaining working experience in a particular field, internship has its features and benefits. It is a place where an interns learn new skills or profession and gain more knowledge into what he/she already known or unknown in a particular field to become good in that particular field depending on his/her effort. It’s all about learning, improvements, and making new and wonderful connections.

1.1 Features of Internship

Access to training and supervision: Interns need to have an access to both training and supervision due to their limited experience. There is nothing more frustrating for the interns than to feel lost or left out. Effective training that holistically guides the new hires through what is expected of them along with an immediate supervisor that interns know they can turn to, can vastly help the interns.

· Growth Opportunities: Interns are inclined towards the opportunities that have a future. Most students look for growth opportunities and career development when looking for an internship.

· Adequate Compensation: While it is not always about money, unfortunately, not all students can afford to work without compensation no matter how motivated they are. Employers should consider offering a modest wage instead of not compensating the interns at all.

· Incentives: Apart from compensation, the employers can offer non-financial incentives to add perks to the job for the new interns. These incentives may include free parking, half-day off every other Friday, free breakfast/lunch etc.

1.2 Benefits of Internship

· Experience: An Interns will have experience on what the working environment is targeting at the end of the internship.

· Learning: This is one of the important part of the internship, he/she will learn new task which is the actual thing he/she went to apply on the internship.

· Meet new people: An intern will be exposed to a lot of people that will be of helping he/she grow in the future and have opportunity of making new friends in that career.

· Employment: An interns maybe employed after the internship, based on their performance and effort putting during the internship.


The first task is for the approval interns to pay attention to what is required from the interns.

In HNG Internship first task is to follow the required process named below or click on this link


2.1 HNG Internship: Stage 1

1. Create a Slack account by signup via https://hnginterns.slack.com

2. Upload your profile picture and name on the Slack channel

3. Join beginners or help channel on the top left side of the HNG Interns slack page

4. Create or Signup a github account via https://github.com/

5. Upload your profile picture and your name on the github account

6. Download git via https://git-scm.com/download/win or get the git setup from other interns and install it on your computer make sure it is running on your system.

7. Create a figma account

8. Download and install WAMP, LAMP or equivalent that suit your computer

9. Talk to xyluz to add you to the github organisation

10. Add your name to the contributors file: Full name, Slack Name and github name.

11. Join the #stage1 channel on Slack

12. Then proceed to do #stage2

2.2 HNG Internship: Stage 2

1. Create a profile using HTLM and CSS codes that contain your profile picture

2. A short note about yourself

3. Contact information e.g social media

4. Make sure that you paste the html profile in your WAMP or LAMP

5. Open your git bash command prompt

6. Type inside your git:

git add .

git commit –m “ ”

git pull

git push origin master

7. Copy your URL of your personal profile and paste it in review channel of slack page and tell Xyluz to review you for next level.

2.3 HNG Internship: Stage 3

In HNG Internship stage 3 task is to follow the required process named below or click on this link


1. Edit your stage 2 personal profile page check for mistake via https://validator.w3.org/nu/ and correct your code errors and make it better. You can use https://www.w3schools.com/ to make your photo a web size

2. Resize your images to fit available space

3. Create a simple contact form on your personal profile page that will contain Name, E-mail, Message and Submit botton

4. Your contact form should be able to send email via the email sending endpoint provided. When an email is sent, it should copy an admin.

5. Password in the endpoint above should be fetched from the database (DM fred to get database details).

6. Email EndPoint: hng.fun/sendmail.php?password=spamblocker&subject=Hello&body=The email body&to=myemail@gmail.com

7. Submit it on review channel on the slack page copy Xyluz to review you for next level.

2.4 HNG Internship: Android Stage Task

1. Download your Android studio via this link https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html or get it from your fellow interns.

2. Download your Java Development Kit (JDK) via http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html get it from your fellow interns.

3. Create your personal profile using Android studio

4. Run the android APK on your phone make sure it shows on your phone for review.

5. Build your APK release App

6. Upload your APK release on google drive and get the shareable link

7. Go to your github account and edit your stage 3 personal profile code and code the APK release google drive link for download.

8. Screenshot your Android profile and paste it with your APK release link on the review channel on slack page

9. Go to google spreadsheet via https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10EBtS4wMIyxqTk7vnJXiPRjJ4ZUGk5FTqCeQsarwKCk/edit?usp=sharing

10. add your slack username and APK release link for review.

Slack: Imo Okon



Imo Joseph
Imo Joseph

Written by Imo Joseph

Real Estate| Hospitality | Technology

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